For those interested to support a more federal Europe in front of a nationalist / ‘patriotic’ audience (yes, dare it!), I take the liberty to suggest 5 talking points:
1. National identity. A federal Europe does not entail abolition of nations. European nations can retain within a European federation their identities, languages, education, customs, symbols, flags, sport teams, broadcasters, churches and whatever else makes them feel ‘national’
2. National defense. Only a federal Europe can ensure the military power to protect national borders from eastern, northern or southern aggressors. This applies particularly to Poland, the Baltics, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus. But not only. It also applies to the cyber- and air-defence of every single European society.
3. National economy. A federal Europe can shield every national economy against ruthless global competition. Bulgaria alone cannot compete or negotiate with China – but Europe can. Italian economy cannot continue with 130% debt per annual GDP. The Czech currency will not survive alone in the next global currencies shock. Altogether we will make the biggest economy and trade block in the world, with sustainable debt (80% of GDP), low inflation and the second global reserve currency (euro).
4. National sovereignty. Yes, it will be restricted under a federal model. But it is restricted already – 60% of national legislation is decided in Brussels in the form of European law, part of which is transposition of international law. Even without a European federation, national sovereignty is going to be eroded, one way or another, due to globalisation and proliferation of international treaties. Better to transfer sovereignty to Europe rather than to Asia or America.
5. Immigration. A European federation will be more effective than today's national governments to control, rationalise and as necessary restrict immigration flows.
2. National defense. Only a federal Europe can ensure the military power to protect national borders from eastern, northern or southern aggressors. This applies particularly to Poland, the Baltics, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus. But not only. It also applies to the cyber- and air-defence of every single European society.
3. National economy. A federal Europe can shield every national economy against ruthless global competition. Bulgaria alone cannot compete or negotiate with China – but Europe can. Italian economy cannot continue with 130% debt per annual GDP. The Czech currency will not survive alone in the next global currencies shock. Altogether we will make the biggest economy and trade block in the world, with sustainable debt (80% of GDP), low inflation and the second global reserve currency (euro).
4. National sovereignty. Yes, it will be restricted under a federal model. But it is restricted already – 60% of national legislation is decided in Brussels in the form of European law, part of which is transposition of international law. Even without a European federation, national sovereignty is going to be eroded, one way or another, due to globalisation and proliferation of international treaties. Better to transfer sovereignty to Europe rather than to Asia or America.
5. Immigration. A European federation will be more effective than today's national governments to control, rationalise and as necessary restrict immigration flows.
Para aquellos interesados en apoyar una Europa más federal frente a un público nacionalista / 'Patriótico' (sí, atrévete! ), me tomo la libertad de sugerir 5 puntos de conversación:
1. Identidad Nacional. Una Europa federal no implica la abolición de las naciones. Las naciones europeas pueden mantener dentro de una Federación Europea sus identidades, idiomas, educación, costumbres, símbolos, banderas, equipos deportivos, emisoras, iglesias y cualquier otra cosa que les haga sentir "Nacionales"
2. Defensa Nacional. Sólo una Europa federal puede garantizar el poder militar para proteger las fronteras nacionales de los agresores del este, del norte o del sur. Esto se aplica en particular a Polonia, los países bálticos, Eslovaquia, Hungría, Rumania, Bulgaria, Grecia y Chipre. Pero no solo. También se aplica a la defensa cibernética y aérea de cada una de las sociedades europeas.
3. Economía Nacional. Una Europa federal puede proteger a todas las economías nacionales contra la despiadada competencia mundial. Bulgaria por sí sola no puede competir o negociar con china, pero Europa puede. La economía italiana no puede continuar con un 130 % de deuda por pib anual. La moneda checa no sobrevivirá solo en las próximas monedas mundiales. En conjunto, haremos la mayor economía y bloque comercial del mundo, con una deuda sostenible (80 % del PIB), una baja inflación y la segunda moneda de reserva mundial (Euro).
4. Soberanía Nacional. Sí, será restringido bajo un modelo federal. Pero está restringido ya-El 60 % de la legislación nacional se decide en Bruselas en forma de derecho europeo, una parte de la cual es la transposición del derecho internacional. Incluso sin una Federación Europea, la soberanía nacional se va a erosionar, de una manera u otra, debido a la globalización y a la proliferación de tratados internacionales. Es mejor transferir la soberanía a Europa en lugar de asia o América.
5. Inmigración. Una Federación Europea será más eficaz que los gobiernos nacionales actuales para controlar, racionalizar y, como es necesario, restringir las corrientes de inmigración.