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Csso Portugal segun Daniel LC

Csso Portugal segun Daniel LC 

Portugal is neither an economic miracle nor has it done the opposite of what Brussels says.
It has not put an end to austerity or increased public spending, as the left says. In the last two years, it has fallen by more than 6 points to 45.1%.
Nor is it true that it has raised taxes on the rich. Famous, rich and retired people 'flee' to Portugal to pay fewer taxes because the rates for high incomes are lower than in Spain.
It has not raised pensions. Their pensions are one-third of the Spanish ones and in the last approved budget for 2018 the new ones see a cut of 14%.
The average salary and the minimum wage are 34% and 21% less than in Spain.
Only Greece invests less than Portugal (14.9% of GDP compared to 19.9% in Spain).
Its banks accumulate 16% of non-performing loans, and the country has a debt over GDP of 130% that has NOT been reduced.
It is an intervened country in which ALL economic policies must be approved by the Troika, and its debt over GDP is much higher than the average.
If you consider it a miracle, at best it is a miracle of the Troika. But it is not.

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