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¿Por qué el proteccionismo genera inflación? ALBERT BERTRAN PASCUAL..El superávit comercial de China, es el principal culpable del sentimiento antiglobalización

¿Por qué el proteccionismo genera inflación? ALBERT BERTRAN PASCUAL
En los mercados en los que hay menos competencia, los precios suben más que en los que hay mucha competencia. Porque la competencia presiona los precios a la baja. Por lo que toda traba que se ponga a la libre competencia genera inflación.
Alan Greenspan cuando en el 2000, el desempleo en los EEUU llego a estar por debajo del 4%, se mostraba extrañado, que no generara inflación. Y en realidad lo que terminó generando inflación no fueron los salarios, sino el precio del petróleo.
La competencia de los productos fabricados en China, ejercía como un tope al aumento de los precios en los EEUU. Lo que comportaba que las empresas que tenían la competencia de China, liberarán trabajadores hacia otros sectores, que junto con la inmigración, frenaba el aumento de los salarios, a pesar de estar en una situación de pleno empleo.
Pondré un ejemplo: si la GM tiene dificultades para encontrar trabajadores en los EEUU, en lugar de pagar salarios más elevados para atraer trabajadores de otros sectores o la competencia, preferirá trasladar la producción a otras plantas en México, Brasil, España, Alemania, etc. Con lo que el mundo se convierte en un gran mercado, y hasta que no exista un pleno empleo a nivel mundial, los salarios no presionaran el alza de los precios.
Incluso en su libro “The Age of Turbulence” predecía que, a la que China llegara al pleno empleo, el aumento de los salarios en China, terminaría generando inflación en los EEUU. Con lo que terminaría la era de los tipos de interés bajos.
Lo que no supo predecir es que, a la que subieran los tipos de interés, la elevada deuda que se generó, y no supo ver, comportaría el estallido de una crisis financiera espectacular. Deuda que no se ha reducido desde el 2008, sino que se ha incrementado.
Por lo que si se ponen barreras en los EEUU hacia los emergentes y Europa, aparte de restricciones a la inmigración, cuando lleguen al pleno empleo, si habrá tensiones inflacionarias en los EEUU. Que se resolverán subiendo los tipos de interés y provocando otra crisis financiera. Por esto existe tanta incertidumbre en los mercados, ante la presidencia de Donald Trump.
En el fondo, lo que impide que suban los salarios en los EEUU, no es la competencia, sino el umbral de inflación del 2%. Ya que si les quitamos la competencia para que puedan subir y, después cuando suben, provocamos una crisis financiera para que no suban, en realidad, no se para que les quitamos la competencia.
A parte de que, poner barreras al flujo de mercaderías y servicios, sin ponerlas al flujo de capitales, es una pérdida de tiempo. Porque la subida de los tipos de interés, generarán un flujo de capitales hacia los EEUU, un apreciación del dólar, y la pérdida de competitividad que queríamos evitar con las medidas proteccionistas. Lo que obligaría a aumentar las medidas proteccionistas.
Con el agrávate de que, los que consumen más productos importados, son los más pobres, que verán reducido su poder adquisitivo, por el encarecimiento de estos productos.
Es mejor que los EEUU se especialice en lo que es competitivo, que intentar proteger lo que no es competitivo.
Lo que si pienso que tendría que hacer Donald Trump, es lo que hizo Reagan en los años 80, presionar a los países con excedentes externos, China, Japón y Alemania, para que estimulen su demanda interna y, los EEUU puedan aumentar sus exportaciones. Para recolocar a los trabajadores que han perdido el empleo, precisamente por la competencia de estos países.
Y formar a estos trabajadores, para que puedan trabajar en sectores en los que los EEUU sean competitivos. Porque como comenté en una nota: “El superávit comercial de China, es el principal culpable del sentimiento antiglobalización”
El superávit comercial de China, es el principal culpable del sentimiento antiglobalización
Muy interesante esta reflexión The Economist: para que el argumento de que la globalización es beneficiosa para los EEUU, es necesario que China no tenga superávit comercial.

El éxito de aumentar el comercio mundial, se basa en que importas más, pero también exportas más. Para que el empleo que pierdes por las importaciones, lo ganas con las exportaciones. Pierdes empleo en los sectores que eres menos competitivo y los ganas en el que lo eres más.
Evidentemente que si eres competitivo en sectores con más productividad, no crearas la misma cantidad de empleo, pero los que crearas, serán de salarios más elevados, con lo que la demanda interna será la misma; no perderás capacidad de consumo ni PIB.
Mientras que si China tiene superávit comercial, se destruye empleo en los EEUU sin que se cree en otros sectores de los EEUU. Y puede que la capacidad de consumo de los estadounidense se mantenga durante un tiempo, pero basado en aumentar su endeudamiento con China. Porque la contra partida de un superávit comercial, es un crédito de China a los EEUU.
Pero mantener el nivel de consumo a base de aumentar el endeudamiento, es lo que nos termino llevando a la crisis financiera. Momento en el que son conscientes de que la globalización los ha empobrecido y, brotan los sentimientos antiglobalización.
Obviamente, no es necesario que la balanza comercial entre China y los EEUU esté equilibrada, pero sí que China no tenga superávit comercial. Porque China puede tener superávit comercial con los EEUU, pero déficit con los países sudamericanos, y estos con los EEUU, compensando el déficit con China.
En Europa aún es más exagerado entre Alemania y los PIGS, y aunque tuvo las mismas consecuencias, nadie le echa las culpas a Alemania.
Porque la causa de los superávits comerciales siempre es la misma, exceso de ahorro y escasez de consumo en Alemania y en China. Por lo que si no estimulan su demanda interna, se empezaran a poner fronteras que terminaran destruyendo empleo en todos los sectores y países.
Nota: 1ª Es interesante la reflexión sobre quienes son los más beneficiados y perjudicados de la globalización. Ya que si tenemos en cuenta que los que consumen más productos importados, son los más pobres, cerrando fronteras, también serían los más perjudicados. Cerrando fronteras el poder adquisitivo de los más ricos se reduciría un 28%, mientras que para el 10% más pobre, se reduciría un 63%, porque compran más productos importados.
2ª También puede reducir el sentimiento antiglobalización las políticas activas de empleo que, los países ricos de la OCDE destinan el 0,6% del PIB, mientras que los EEUU sólo el 0,1%.
Por lo que unas buenas políticas de empleo para reciclar a los trabajadores que pierdan el empleo y un estímulo de la demanda de los países con superávit comercial, serian la mejor manera de combatir el populismo antiglobalización. Que si se termina imponiendo, a los que perjudicará más, es al 10% más pobre.
Epilogo: actualmente destruye más empleo en los EEUU Alemania que China. Ya que el superávit comercial de Alemania es superior al de China.
Free trade
Coming and going
Truth and myth about the effects of openness to trade
Oct 1st 2016
IN MARCH 2000, two months before a crucial vote in America’s Congress on whether to make normal trading relations with China permanent, Bill Clinton gave a press conference. In the first year of his presidency, 1993, he had made a bold case for the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico, claiming it would create 200,000 jobs in America. Now, in the final year of his second term, he was even more bullish about a trade pact with China, which would allow that country to join the WTO. It would require China quickly to cut its average import tariff from 24% to 9%, to abolish import quotas and licences and to open up some industries to American investment. America, for its part, would not have to do anything. “This is a hundred-to-nothing deal for America when it comes to the economic consequences,” said Mr Clinton.
Sixteen years on the mood is rather different. Job losses in manufacturing states such as Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania have made trade a key issue in America’s presidential election. Donald Trump has risen to prominence in part by promising to impose steep tariffs on imports from China and Mexico, claiming America’s trade deficit with both countries (see chart) shows it is “losing”. Hillary Clinton is no longer supporting the TPP trade deal she had earlier favoured. The demise of furniture-makers and textile firms, unable to compete with low-cost imports, belies the predictions made by her husband. Bernie Sanders, Mrs Clinton’s opponent in the Democratic Party primaries, said trade deals had been “a disaster for American workers”. A YouTube clip earlier this year showing the graceless manner in which bosses of Carrier, a maker of air-conditioners, told its workforce that it was moving production to Mexico seemed to confirm every fear about the exodus of jobs and the heartlessness of capitalism.
What is behind the change in mood? The years after the NAFTA agreement came into force, in 1994, were actually rather good ones for America’s economy, including manufacturing. But China’s accession to the WTO caused a big shock. The country’s size, and the speed at which it conquered rich-world markets for low-cost manufacturing, makes it unique. By 2013 it had captured one-fifth of all manufacturing exports worldwide, compared with a share of only 2% in 1991.
This coincided with a fresh decline in factory jobs in America. Between 1999 and 2011 America lost almost 6m manufacturing jobs in net terms. That may not be as dramatic as it sounds, since America is a large and dynamic place where around 5m jobs come and go every month. Still, when David Autor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), David Dorn of the University of Zurich and Gordon Hanson of the University of California, San Diego, looked into the job losses more closely, they found something worrying. At least one-fifth of the drop in factory jobs during that period was the direct result of competition from China.
Moreover, the American workers who had lost those jobs neither found new ones close by nor searched for work farther afield. They either swelled the ranks of the unemployed or, more often, left the workforce. That contradicts the widespread belief that America’s jobs market is fluid and flexible. When men lose a factory job, they often stay put. Those who managed to find new jobs were paid less than before and were working in industries that were vulnerable to competition from imports. In subsequent research, the authors found that lost factory jobs also had a depressing effect on aggregate demand (and thus non-manufacturing jobs) in the affected areas. In total, up to 2.4m jobs may have been lost, directly and indirectly, as a consequence of imports from China.
In other rich countries, regions or industries with heavy exposure to Chinese imports also suffered material losses in factory jobs. A study of Spain’s jobs market by Vicente Donoso, of the Complutense University of Madrid, and others found that provinces with the greatest exposure to Chinese imports saw the largest falls in the share of manufacturing employment between 1999 and 2007, but this was compensated for by an increase in non-factory jobs. Research in Norway, though, found that the main effect was to raise unemployment. João Paulo Pessoa of the London School of Economics found that British workers in industries exposed to high levels of import competition from China spent more time out of work than those in other industries. A wide-ranging study of the effect on Germany of more trade with China and eastern Europe in the two decades after 1988 concluded that industries competing with imports suffered job losses, but these were outweighed by job gains in regions focused on export industries. Those gains were due almost entirely to trade with eastern Europe, not China.
China’s accession to the WTO was supposed to be a great bonus for America. So why was its impact on trade and jobs so unexpectedly large? One reason was that China got a very significant advantage out of the pact. A paper by Justin Pierce, of the Federal Reserve, and Peter Schott, of Yale School of Management, argues that joining the WTO removed the risk for China of a steep increase in America’s tariffs, making it less perilous for its companies to invest in new factories. The authors found that industries where the threat of tariff increases was most reduced suffered the greatest job losses in America. But the lopsided nature of trade between China and the rich world also played a part. After China joined the WTO, its current-account surplus widened from an average of around 2% of GDP in the 1990s to about 5% in the following decade. In other words, China saved more. That helps explain the modest offsetting gains in exports in the regions affected by Chinese imports.
Done workin’
It is important to note that America’s growing inability to bounce back from losing manufacturing jobs predates the rise of China as an exporting power. A report published in June by the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) charts the long-term decline in prime-aged men in America’s workforce. It shows that in the mid-1960s almost all men aged between 25 and 54 were either in work or looking for a job, but that in the past half-century the participation rate for this group has dropped below 90%. In every recession the rate falls more sharply, and when the economy picks up again it fails to make up all the lost ground.
But there are big differences between the participation rates of different groups of men. In 1964 male high-school graduates were about as likely to be in the workforce as college-educated men, but now only 83% of those with a high-school degree or less are in the workforce, against 94% of those who finished college (see chart). This mirrors a growing divergence in wages. In the mid-1960s the pay of less educated men averaged 80% of college-educated ones, but by 2014 that proportion had fallen to 60%.
It is unlikely that men are dropping out of work voluntarily. More than a third of inactive men live in poverty; less than a quarter have a working spouse. So the most obvious explanation is a fall in demand for less-skilled men. That in turn is partly linked to a long-term decline in manufacturing, whose share of the jobs market peaked in the days when almost all prime-age men worked. The CEA study found that states with a higher-than-average share of jobs in construction, mining and (to a lesser degree) manufacturing tend to have more prime-age men in the workforce. It does not help that men who lose their jobs are increasingly rooted in unemployment black spots. The propensity of people to move in search of work has dropped sharply since the early 1990s, for reasons that are not yet fully understood.
A steady drop in the share of prime-age men in the workforce going back half a century cannot be pinned on America signing free-trade agreements or China’s emergence as an exporter of manufactures, both of which happened fairly recently. Factory jobs peaked in the 1970s, but manufacturing output has continued to increase. Indeed, America’s share of world manufacturing output, on a value-added basis, has been fairly stable at a bit under a fifth for the past four decades. Thanks to advances in technology, fewer workers are needed to produce the same quantity of goods. But since trade with lower-cost countries and technological change have similar effects on labour-intensive production in the rich world, it is hard to disentangle their effects.
Still, some rich countries, such as Germany, Britain and Canada, have done rather better than America at keeping prime-age men in work, though others, including France, Italy and Spain, have done even worse. That is partly a matter of policy. Members of the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, set aside an average of 0.6% of GDP a year for “active labour-market policies”—job centres, retraining schemes and employment subsidies—to ease the transition to new types of work. America spends just 0.1% of GDP. By neglecting those whose jobs have been swallowed by technology or imports, America’s policymakers have fuelled some of the anger about freer trade.
Have trade deals really been a disaster for American workers? Trade with China seems to have had an unusually large effect. Since 1985, America has signed 15 free-trade agreements (FTAs) covering 20 countries. Exports to these countries account for nearly half of all the goods America sells abroad, even though FTA countries make up just a tenth of GDP outside America. In the five years after a new trade pact comes into force, America’s exports to new FTA partners typically grow around three times as fast as its overall exports, at least keeping pace with imports. In 2012, exports to the 20 countries covered by FTAs grew twice as fast as the average. In America, exporting firms pay a wage premium of between 13% and 18%, compared with non-exporters. This is hardly a disaster.
America has run a trade deficit every year since 1976. On the other side of the global ledger are countries that consistently run big trade surpluses. These days the record is held not by China but by Germany, which last year had a current-account surplus of 8% of GDP (see chart). But this does not mean that America is “losing” at trade, as Mr Trump suggests, and China and Germany are winning. The purpose of exports is to pay for imports, either now or later. A trade surplus is not a virility symbol. In some cases, it is a sign of a strong national preference for saving (though other countries might describe it as a symptom of weak domestic demand). Countries rarely have balanced trade, where the value of exports and imports is exactly the same. It might seem plausible that restricting trade to eliminate deficits will create jobs, channelling existing demand towards goods made at home. But the reality is more complicated. In most rich countries, particularly America, the trade deficit widens when GDP growth is strong, and shrinks during recessions. The factors that drive demand for imports are the same as those that drive overall demand, and thus jobs. To balance trade, Americans would have to invest less or save more. Neither would create jobs.
It would help a sluggish world economy if surplus countries, like China and Germany, were to spend more on imports. But for America to aim to balance trade with any one country would be pointless. In any case, a finished product exported from China to America, say, will include components made in third countries, and probably only a small fraction of the value will have been added in China itself. Four-fifths of all trade takes place along supply chains within, or organised by, multinational firms. Slapping a tariff on imports of intermediate goods from, say, Mexico would raise the price of America’s exports, which would probably be bad for its trade balance. Around 40% of the value of Mexico’s exports of final goods to America, for instance, was added in America itself.
Sober advocates of free trade know that over time the gains from it come from greater efficiency, not from more jobs, the number of which is largely determined by demography and the strength of aggregate demand. It is easier to spot the link between freer trade and factory closures than the more dispersed benefits trade brings to workers across other industries. Exporting firms in all countries and across a variety of industries are more productive, grow faster and pay higher wages than non-exporting firms. But a lot of the gains from trade come from the direct benefit of cheaper imports and their indirect effect on productivity.
The cost of protectionism
A study by Pablo Fajgelbaum of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Amit Khandelwal, of Columbia University, suggests that in an average country, people on high incomes would lose 28% of their purchasing power if borders were closed to trade. But the poorest 10% of consumers would lose 63% of their spending power, because they buy relatively more imported goods. The authors find a bias of trade in favour of poorer people in all 40 countries in their study, which included 13 developing countries. An in-depth study of European industry by Nicholas Bloom, of Stanford University, Mirko Draca of Warwick University and John Van Reenen of the LSE found that import competition from China led to a decline in jobs and made life harder for low-tech firms in affected industries. But it also forced surviving firms to become more innovative: R&D spending, patent creation and the use of information technology all increased, as did total factor productivity.
Taken together, these are large and permanent benefits. What is clear from the studies of Mr Autor and others is that the one-off integration of China had bigger and more lasting effects than expected. Too little attention has been paid in America to those whose jobs are displaced by new technology or imports. That has given an opening to protectionists, who are peddling a solution that will hurt the poor most. A similar sort of populism is rearing its head in Europe in response to migration.


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